RCMP week in review: April 15 to 21, 2024


2024-04-23 13:15 HAP

Under the Official Languages Act, this office provides services to the public in English only. You will find general information in both official languages at bc.rcmp.ca and www.rcmp.ca

Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.

The Terrace RCMP responded to approximately 203 calls between April 15 and 21, 2024. Below are just a few highlights of calls for service received:

On April 15, 2024, The Terrace RCMP received multiple noise complaints where music was blaring from an idling vehicle in a parking lot near Davis Ave and Kenny Street. Police attended and observed open liquor in the vehicle and the driver admitted to consuming alcohol. The officer conducted an impaired investigation which resulted in the driver providing failed breath samples. The driver was issued an immediate 90 day roadside prohibition from driving and a 30 day vehicle impound. (2024-3026)

April 16, 2024 – At approximately 12:30 am, RCMP conducted a routine traffic stop determining the driver of the vehicle to be prohibited from driving. The man was arrested for driving while prohibited. RCMP issued the man a notice of driving prohibition and notice of vehicle impound. (2024-04-16)

On the afternoon of April 16, 2024, police responded to a rural area north of Terrace for a report of a man who had been shot. Upon arrival to the area, police determined that the report originated from a man who was experiencing a mental health crisis. Terrace RCMP attended a residence and confirmed the well-being of all those involved. In doing so, a quantity of drugs and drug trafficking paraphernalia was observed. Police obtained a search warrant for the residence which was executed later that day. This investigation is ongoing. (2024-3041)

On the evening of April 19, 2024, Terrace RCMP (BC Highway Patrol) conducted a traffic stop with a vehicle after observing its driving speed of 169 km/hr in a 100 km/hr zone on Highway 37. Police confirmed that the vehicle was without insurance and the driver had an odour of liquor on his breath. The driver provided breath samples which both failed. RCMP served the driver with an immediate roadside driving prohibition and vehicle impound as well as violation tickets for excessive speed and no insurance. (2024-3156)

April 19, 2024 – Terrace RCMP received a report of a man walking around the Walmart parking lot with an axe in his hand. Police attended and located the man. Police checks determined that the man had a warrant in relation to an offence out of Hazelton. The man was arrested on the warrant and released with a court date to deal with the matter. (2024-3160)

April 18, 2024 – Terrace RCMP are investigating a mischief at a local elementary school after a number of windows were smashed. The incident occurred in the early hours of the 18th of April. Any witnesses to the offence are asked to contact the RCMP at 250-638-7400. (2024-3092)

Diffusé par :

Gend. Kelly Cates
Agente des relations avec les médias
GRC de Terrace
Bureau : 250-638-7400

Courriel : kelly.cates@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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