Fire and Safety Expo brings students and first responders together

West Shore

2024-04-23 08:25 PDT

Last week, the Metchosin Fire Department held it’s 25th annual Fire and Life Safety Expo. The two-day event brought nearly 1000 elementary students together to connect with first responders and community partner agencies from around West Shore.

Before students arrived on the first day, a ceremony was held to officially rename the event The Lance Caven Fire & Life Safety Expo to honour Lance Caven. Lance Caven, who passed away last spring, was a Langford Fire Rescue Assistant Chief and one of the founding members of the Expo.

He brought the fun in doing this event. He was always one that would laugh and the kids' would have a great time with him. He always put the kids first, said the long-time event coordinator, Tammy Yhde-Riis, who worked closely with Caven while she was a 911 dispatcher.

Students rotated between different stations that featured safety discussions and demonstrations from Langford, Metchosin, Colwood, Sooke, and CFB Esquimalt Fire Departments as well as Langford Bylaw, FireSmart BC, and West Shore RCMP.


Cst. Varley: The safety expo is an annual event. It’s put together in partnership with all local first responders. We go organize stations for the grade four students that come out to the event. From anything from fire safety to public safety, safety in schools. And then the students rotate to the next station and get exposure to all kinds of fun information. ((0:00 – 0:22))

[Video shows the different stations and students hearing safety talks and learning how to use safety equipment ]

Tammy: The famous saying, we get our biggest bang for our buck. We get, we get between 800-1000 kids in two days and we teach them skills that we don’t necessarily teach our own kids at home everyday. And we forget, the importance of. ((0:22 - :38))

[Video shows more of the learning stations and first responders, specifically fire safety and RCMP officers doing a anti-bullying talk.]

Chief Dunlop: One time. One moment for them to remember something and it can change you know their life. So as much time as we put in, if it’s one live or one child that’s made a decision to you know keep their family safe, it’s all worth it. So I do think it’s so impactful.
It’s not just one department. We’re not territorial. We’re not in silos. We’re working together, collaborative. You can see in one room, you can have several departments or agencies involved. ((0:38 – 1:05))

[Video shows firefighters, bylaw officers, and RCMP officers attending the event ]

Cst. Varley: At the end of the day, whether it’s fire, bylaw, or police we’re all one team. And in our day to day duties we only really get to work together if we’re responding to emergencies. This is a way we all get to work together for a very proactive approach and in partnership together to educate kids. ((1:05 – 1:24))

Chief Dunlop: And it’s for the greater good. And the passion from all these different agencies is shown here. ((1:24 – 1:29))


The West Shore RCMP Community Policing Unit were there to discuss Anti-Bullying with the students.

Generally, when first responders meet it's in relation to attending a call for service. This event however, allows first responders to partner with each other in a positive environment to provide youth with safety education, said Cst. John Varley, West Shore RCMP Community Policing Unit.

The event was celebrated by many as a great example of how West Shore community partners have come together for the community.

We’re working together, collaboratively. You can see in one room several different departments or agencies involved, and it’s for the greater good. And the passion from all these different agencies is shown here. It’s our ability to get out and think outside of our individual agencies and how can we really do what’s best for the community as a whole, said Metchosin Fire Chief Stephanie Dunlop.

Released by:

Cpl. Nancy Saggar
Media Relations Officer
West Shore RCMP
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