Join us for Coffee with a Cop

2023-11-01 07:53 HAP

Shawnigan Lake RCMP is inviting the public to attend Coffee with a Cop on November 6, 2023.

The public is encouraged to attend, ask questions and engage with officers while enjoying a free coffee.

Two RCMP officers having a coffee with a member of the public

The purpose of Coffee with a Cop is to promote open communication between our officers and the public through a social setting says Corporal Alex Bérubé, spokesperson for the RCMP in British Columbia. This is a great opportunity for members of the public to converse with officers about issues they face in the community but also to simply foster positive relationships.

Previous events have been well attended and received by the public. This is a great opportunity for anyone to speak with our team. We are here to listen, answer questions, discuss public safety and to strengthen our relationship with the community.

Upcoming event:

There is no purchase necessary to attend or speak with our officers. A free coffee will be provided.

Diffusé par :

Cap. Alex Bérubé
S.-off.-cons. de district (relations avec les médias)
District de l’île
2881, rue Nanaimo, Victoria (C.-B.) V8T 4Z8
Bureau : 250-380-6110
Cellulaire : 778-836-8153

Courriel :

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