Cranbrook RCMP and City of Cranbrook Receive Funding for Situation Table


2023-08-23 09:38 HAP

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The Cranbrook RCMP and the City of Cranbrook have worked collaboratively to secure a $75,000 grant from the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General for the creation of a ‘Situation Table’ within the City.

A Situation Table helps front line staff from the public safety, health and social service sectors identify vulnerable people facing elevated levels of risk. Collaboratively and rapidly they can then be connected to the services they need, all with an emphasis on reducing the growing strain on the community’s emergency services.

The goal of the Situation Table is to fill service gaps identified by the RCMP, the City of Cranbrook and the many other community agencies that will sit at the table, says Cst. Felicia Parker, Cranbrook RCMP.

The program is in the early stages, however, we expect the Situation Table to be in place by late fall, says Marcel Germer, Social Development Coordinator with the City of Cranbrook.

Cranbrook RCMP and the City of Cranbrook would like to thank all the community partners who provided letters of support to the grant application and helped make the project a reality, as well as to the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General for providing the $75,000 grant for the community.

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Gend. K.P. Forgeron
Agente des relations avec les médias
GRC de Cranbrook
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