RCMP and VSAR respond to two marine incidents overnight


2023-07-25 09:57 HAP

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Aux termes de la Loi sur les langues officielles, ce bureau n'offre des services au public qu'en anglais. Vous trouverez des renseignements généraux dans les deux langues officielles au cb.grc.ca et www.grc.ca.

stock image blue background marine incident in text

Searches are underway on Okanagan Lake and Kalamalka Lake for two men who went missing in separate boating incidents overnight.

On Monday, July 24th, 2023, around 11p.m., police received a report of a missing kayaker on Kalamalka Lake. The man was with a group of kayakers who were out on the lake at the time a storm blew in. After encountering rough conditions, the group was able to land on the west side of the lake. One of the men in the group left in an attempt to paddle back across the lake to Kalamalka beach. The man was not seen again and his kayak has since been recovered. Vernon Search and Rescue responded and conducted an initial search for the man who was not found.

A short time later, around 11:15 p.m., police received a report that one person was missing after a commercial fishing vessel had capsized on Okanagan Lake near Ellison Provincial Park. The boat was engaged in fishing activities and towing a smaller vessel when it encountered high waves and strong winds brought on by an overnight storm, causing the vessel to overturn. The man operating the vessel did not surface. An initial search of the area was conducted by Vernon Search and Rescue as well as an RCMP police boat, unfortunately the man was not located.

Concurrent searches have been organized and are underway on both Kalamalka Lake and Okanagan Lake, utilizing both Vernon Search and Rescue and RCMP resources, states Constable Chris Terleski, Media Relations Officer for the Vernon North Okanagan RCMP. These are both terribly unfortunate events and our thoughts are with the families during this difficult time as we continue our search for their loved ones.

Additional updates will be provided when available.

Diffusé par :

Gend. Chris Terleski
Agent des relations avec les médias
GRC de Vernon-Okanagan-Nord
3402, 30e Rue, Vernon (C.-B.) V1T 5E5
Bureau : 250-260-7161
Télécopieur : 250-260-7191

Courriel : medias_vernon@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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