Quadra RCMP report May 8th - May 28th

Quadra Island

2023-05-26 08:53 PDT

Files of note

Fraud report

On May 8th, Quadra RCMP received a report of a fraud via text. The complainant, who was calling on behalf of her mother, stated that her mother received a text claiming the person's phone was smashed, they needed help, and requested $1800 be e-transferred. The victim was in the process of sending the money before realizing the text was fraudulent. Further investigation revealed the number that was used in the text was a "spoof number". A spoof number is when a caller uses technology to display a different caller ID number than the one they are calling from to mask their true identity. The victim was advised to report the incident to the Canadian Anti-Fraud center either online at www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca or by phone at 1-888-495-8501.

Break and enter

On May 9th, a homeowner advised of a break in enter that occurred a few days previous in the Heriot Bay area. The complainant advised that a window on their shed was pried open. Police attended and confirmed nothing else was damaged or stolen.

Possible break and enter

In the evening of May 13th, Quadra RCMP received a report of a possible break and enter in progress. Members were near the area and on scene within seconds. Officers met with neighbours, who had thought they had heard someone rattling the gate to gain entry. However, upon further investigation the neighbours advised they saw a family of raccoons climbing the fence and were likely the culprits. The raccoons are still under investigation for trespassing and possible break and enter charges, but thus far have not been cooperative with police. 

Stolen key

On May 15th, Quadra RCMP received a report of a stolen key in Heriot Bay public wharf. The complainant advised the key had been left in the gas cap. When the owner returned, the key was gone and the gas cap had been removed and placed on the front tire. The incident likely occurred sometime during the previous night. The Quadra RCMP is reminding the public to lock their vehicles and not leave the key in an easily accessible area.

Erratic driver

On May 22nd, Quadra RCMP received a report of a man driving erratically in Joyce Road area. The vehicle in question, a 2-stroke off road dirt bike, is black and the rider has a go-pro stickup upon the middle of his helmet. Police have received other complaints regarding this bike and it appears the reckless driving is a a somewhat common occurrence. The investigation is ongoing.

If anyone has knowledge of this crime or any other or who is responsible, please contact the Quadra RCMP at 250-285-3631. If you wish to remain anonymous, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit their web site at www.crimestoppers.ca.

Released by:

Cst. Rebekah Draht
Media Relations Officer
Quadra Island RCMP
Office: 250-285-3631
Fax: 250-285-2053

Email: Quadra_ocr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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