Community Safety Tips

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design


burglar breaking in through screen door

Research has shown that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in both the opportunity for crime and fear of crime. Through their involvement in design and construction, architects, planners and builders can influence the creation of safer neighbourhoods and communities. This pamphlet provides a general overview of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for professionals who work in urban design development and related areas. It is not meant to be an exhaustive analysis or a checklist.

What is CPTED?

CPTED is an approach to planning and development that reduces opportunities for crime.

Communities, neighbourhoods, individual homes, and other buildings, streets, and parks can all be made safer through the application of design principles that make it more difficult to carry out inappropriate activities.

CPTED can reduce crime and fear through:

What is the role of CPTED?

CPTED is part of a comprehensive approach to crime prevention. By emphasizing modifications to the physical environment, it complements community-based policing, Block Watch, and social programs that address some of the root causes of criminal behaviour.

What are the main steps in CPTED projects?

When can CPTED be applied?

CPTED can be applied to identify and remove potential problems in proposed developments. It can also be used to correct existing design problems that may invite crime.

What are some CPTED tactics?


Apartment buildings:

Public spaces:

Who are other key CPTED partners?

CPTED works best when fully supported by the community. Other key partners include:


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