Congratulations to our D.A.R.E graduates

West Shore

2023-03-20 10:00 PDT

March 14th was graduation day for View Royal Elementary students as they completed their 10 week journey through the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. The program was taught by Cst. Cole Brewer, West Shore RCMP, Indigenous Policing Unit.

D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 and has proven to be a successful tool in teaching children the skills they need to avoid involvement in gangs, drugs and violence.

Photo of D.A.R.E. graduation

The students were great and I had a lot of fun teaching . It can be hard having discussions around drug abuse, but their enthusiasm allowed for a safe environment where students were able to ask questions and discuss topics beyond the curriculum, said Cst. Cole Brewer.

Photo of Cpl. Lewis and Police Dog Halla demonstration for students

During the 10 Week program, students showed a real interest in Police Dog Services, and were treated to a demonstration from Cpl. Dave LEWIS and Police Dog Halla upon their graduation.

Congratulations to the graduates! To learn more about D.A.R.E view their webpage. 

Released by

Cpl. Nancy Saggar

Media Relations Officer
West Shore RCMP
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