Missing Persons: Albert Humphrey WILKINSON

Photo of Albert Humphrey WILKINSONFile# 1957-534
Albert was last seen on January 23, 1957 wearing a dark green touque, green jacket, black wool sweater, black plaid shirt, and knee-high gumboots.

Physical Description

File Details

On January 29, 1957, Mrs. WILKINSON called the Surrey RCMP to report that her son, Humphrey ‘Albert’ WILKINSON, had not been seen or heard from in a week. Albert lived by himself in North Surrey with his dog. Albert left his wallet and identification at his home, but it was determined that his rifle and his dog were missing from the house.

A sighting of Albert was reported on January 29, 1957 by an employee of Woolworths in New Westminster. The employee viewed a photograph of Albert and is convinced that the person she saw was Albert. The person also stated that the person she saw on this date was known to her as ‘Al’. Information with respect to Albert going missing was released in the newspapers in Vancouver and New Westminster and on the radio in Cloverdale in 1957. Albert’s case was also circularized in the RCMP Gazette.

Investigation revealed that Albert worked at the Martin Paper Co. in New Westminster, as a carpenter, but was last seen there on January 23, 1957 and did not pick up his last pay cheque. He was last seen wearing a dark green toque, green jacket, black wool sweater, black plaid shirt, and knee-high gumboots. Albert did not mention to anyone at the workplace that he planned on going anywhere or leaving this job. It was determined that Albert had not sought employment insurance, but had previously told personnel with employment insurance that he wished to seek employment in Cache Creek, BC. Investigation in the Cache Creek area failed to turn up any trace of Albert.

There was a suggestion that Albert had a strong desire to tour the world and it was thought possible that he had joined the Canadian Army in order to fulfill this desire. Investigation revealed that Albert had not joined the Army nor had he been in contact with any employment agencies.

Investigators were also told that Albert may have gone to Northern BC to go fishing with a friend by the nickname of ‘Old Man’, whom he spoke of often. There was insufficient information with respect to this obtained to be able to identify the friend or determine where the friend lived.

Some time prior to going missing, Albert introduced his family to a woman whom he said he had married. Investigators later learned that while Albert had given her a diamond solitaire ring and a plain wedding ring, they were not married and she was in fact living with and married to another man. Albert had apparently been trying to convince the woman to leave her husband to be with him. The woman stated that she did not know why Albert had gone missing but speculated that perhaps he had, had enough of the situation and wanted to get away. However, the woman did not think that Albert would harm himself.

Albert’s family spent considerable money advertising in various newspapers asking for information on his disappearance but none of the tips received provided any answers.

Albert was known to suffer from severe headaches and stomach upsets, but there was nothing to indicate that these conditions had any bearing on him going missing. It was also determined that Albert had been drinking quite heavily in the year prior to him going missing.

Albert was a part time commercial fisherman who liked to dress in expensive clothing and was an avid cartoonist.

Albert has not attempted to contact any family members since his disappearance.

Police are asking for the public’s assistance to help bring some closure to the WILKINSON’s family search for answers.

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